Daily Rhythm 3-6


Daily Readiness

Students come in, unpack, and preview the activities and lessons they have for the day. Emphasis is placed on developing independence skills by knowing the plan, having all the materials, and getting started.

Morning Meeting

Once they are ready for the day, we come together for our morning meeting and check-in. This is a time for us to set the intention for the day, thank God for his many blessings, and proudly stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.

Core Curriculum

During our core curriculum block, students work on completing their language arts, writing, handwriting, math, and typing lessons.

Teachers also gather small groups or work with students independently to teach and review new material, check for understanding, provide feedback, and collaborate with others.


As students finish their work they are invited to participate in centers: art, building, puzzles, and board or card games. While some may think these age groups no longer need centers, we’ve found that centers are necessary for developing and fostering leadership skills, collaboration, independent problem-solving, self control, focus, and responsibility.


Our upper elementary classes join together for lunch each day. After lunch, students work together to tidy up the classroom by wiping tables, vacuuming, and taking out trash.


Every afternoon is different as we focus on one area: science, social studies, directed art lessons, and seasonal activities. Activities are designed to be engaging, broaden student’s understanding of the world around them, and increase interest and curiosity of new topics.


Students end their day outside where they play basketball, flag football, soccer, practice gymnastic moves, and play in the giant sandbox.

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