Daily Rhythm K-2


A classroom of children saying the "Pledge of Allegience". A little girl is holding an american flag with her hand over her heart

Morning Meeting

After the students come in, unpack, and sign-in for the day we gather in our whole group meeting area for morning meeting. Morning meeting is a time for us to set the intention for the day, thank God for his many blessings, and proudly stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.

Next we practice math skills through daily calendar exercises, number sense activities, and skill review, making learning engaging and interactive.

Center & Small Group Time

During our center and small group time students rotate between several different activities: art, home living, imaginative play, building, iPad skill review, fine motor, and small group instruction. Each of these centers provides students with opportunities to learn, socialize, collaborate, and problem-solve with friends.

A little boy is smiling while holding up a self portrait that he had drawn in class.


Students explore concepts of art including shape, color, texture, and creative expression through the use of different mediums. As they create, they use higher-level thinking skills, develop imagination, and utilize trial and error.

A girl is pretending to be an explorer, pointing towards the distance. She is holding a map and wearing a costume hat and belt.

Dramatic Play

Students develop imaginative stories based on each month’s theme. They increase their literacy skills through the understanding of character, setting, identification of a problem, brainstorming solutions, and oral narration. These skills help develop their reading comprehension and understanding of story structure.

A little boy is playing a board game

Imaginative Play

While at this center students are experimenting with telling stories, organizational structures, and develop an understanding of the world including similarities and differences among different families and people.

Three boys are standing behind a large structure made of magni-tiles


The building center offers students the opportunity to explore spatial relationships, develop mathematical reasoning, and work on personal resiliency as they create and experiment within a 3D plane. They learn how to manipulate materials based on size, shape, number, area, pattern, and weight.

Two girls are concentrating on putting together a puzzle of the world map

Fine Motor

Fine motor activities offer students time to develop their hand-eye coordination, build muscles needed for writing, increase attention span, promote pattern recognition, and broaden understanding of spatial skills as they manipulate objects.

A group of students are sitting at a table, concentrating on their school work.

iPad Skill Review

Students participate short activities on the iPad that review academic skills previously learned using the Khan Academy program.

A small group of children are working together on a math worksheet.

Small Group Instruction

Students work in small groups on their language arts and math lessons listed in their academic plans. Groups are hands-on and interactive allowing for learning and practicing new skills, receiving immediate feedback, and increase long-term retention of skills.

A woman is holding a sea turtle skull. She is standing in front of a class of children.

Lunch & Outside

After centers we come together for lunch where students practice life skills of preparing their food, socializing with friends, and tidying up when finished.

Lunch is followed by a lengthy time outside where students play games like tag, basketball, flag football, Sharks and Minnows, create in our large sandbox, and more.


Following time outside, we come in for afternoon enrichment classes. Every afternoon is different as we focus on one area: science, social studies, directed art lessons, and seasonal activities. Activities are designed to be engaging, broaden student’s understanding of the world around them, and increase interest and curiosity of new topics.

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